Buick bids for transatlantic double repeat

Jim McGrath
J A McGrath

Godolphin jockey William Buick will attempt to replicate his unforgettable weekend of six years ago when he partners Tryster in Saturday's G1 Arlington Million in Chicago before taking an overnight flight to France to ride Ribchester in Sunday's G1 Prix Jacques le Marois at Deauville.

Earlier in his career, in 2010, his first season under contract to John Gosden, Buick landed a very similar Group/Grade 1 double at the same two tracks on the corresponding weekend.

He rode Debussy to victory for his retaining trainer in the Arlington Million in the colours of Her Royal Highness Princess Haya of Jordan, and then headed straight to Normandy to partner Dream Ahead to a fine win in the top two-year-old race at the meeting, the G1 Prix Morny.

The mega-prize double had been completed in under 16 hours, including travel time.
Is it an impossible ask to expect lightning to strike twice, with Buick this time aboard two Godolphin runners? Not if you listen to comments from the two trainers involved, and take on board that the jockey knows full well it can be done.

Tryster will be one of the favourites for the Arlington Million but has drawn gate 12 in a field of 13. Other major contenders, Deauville (13), World Approval (11) and Wake Forest (10), have also drawn off the track, so tactics will take on some relevance.

Charlie Appleby, Tryster's trainer, is pleased with his Arlington contender. "His breeze on Wednesday morning went very well. He does have a wide draw but we won't change his running style, and he will come from off the pace.

"He will need some luck in running but I couldn't be happier with his preparation," he added.

Trainer Richard Fahey was similarly upbeat about Ribchester in Deauville's showcase mile contest, the Prix Jacques le Marois. "I was very pleased with how Ribchester took his race at Goodwood (3rd in the G1 Sussex Stakes)," he reported.

"He is looking and feeling well, and his preparation for the race has gone to plan. He is a horse, who seems to go on any surface, and I am looking forward to Sunday," he added.