New spring options open for Flit after Silver Eagle success

Mike Hedge
Mike Hedge

A typically brave performance by Flit combined with a clever ride to land the $500,000 Silver Eagle at Randwick on Saturday, 10 October.

The winner of three Stakes races, including the G1 Thousand Guineas on this day in 2019, Flit surged clear to claim victory by a half-length over Alligator Blood with Dawn Passage in third place.

While her great will-to-win came to the fore, Flit was assisted by a perfect ride from Rachel King who had her on the back of the high-class gelding Alligator Blood, peeling off at the 200m and then asserting herself in the run to the line.

Trainer James Cummings gave equal credit to both horse and rider, declaring the win to have opened the door to more lofty spring goals.

"She has been flying this preparation without winning," Cummings said.

"We just couldn't see her running a bad race today even though she was up against some pretty good opposition.

"She has marched herself right into contention for a couple of big targets over the next three weeks and it will be up to the team to decide which way they want to head with her."

The Silver Eagle is programmed as a lead up to the $7.5 million Golden Eagle run at Randwick next month and while that race is on the radar for Flit, it may be a lesser priority than another G1 success in G1 Empire Rose Stakes at Flemington on the same day.