Mysterious Night makes no mistake in G3 Prix Francois Boutin


Mysterious Night capitalised on a drop down to G3 level with a comfortable victory in the seven-furlong Prix Francois Boutin at Deauville, France, on Sunday, 14 August.

The Charlie Appleby-trained juvenile, who had finished third in G2 company on his two most recent starts, soon tracked Montesilvano and Bolshkinov as the trio raced slightly away from the stands’ rail.

Mysterious Night travelled powerfully into the race after being switched towards the centre of the course two and a half furlongs from home, taking the lead from Montesilvano entering the final furlong.

William Buick pushed out the full-brother to dual G1 winner Althiqa for a half-length verdict over Bolshkinov.

Charlie Appleby said: “We came here with a lot of confidence. Mysterious Night’s homework had been good and he had put in two solid runs at G2 level. We were keen to get him dropped in today – we got a wide passage at Goodwood last time and ended up facing the breeze too much before running out of petrol.

“He is a full-brother to Althiqa but she was a completely different model, a petite little thing. She had a great heart and Mysterious Night is following in her footsteps, but on a bigger scale as an individual.

“I had planned to go out to Canada for the G1 Summer Stakes, but William is a bit cautious as he feels Mysterious Night has a lot of pace. I think we will let the dust settle and see where we are. He wouldn’t mind a bit of cut of ground in the autumn, which might open up a few options.”